Commission Pricing

Commission TypeDescriptionsPrice
a.Half-body - simple background$200
b.Half-body - detailed background$300
c.Full-body - simple background$400
d.Full-body - detailed background$500+
e.Tarot card$300+

Alternative clothing + $50
Additional character + $100



Terms of Service

  1. Fees are non-refundable.

  2. The Artist hereby sells or transfers the Commission to the Client at the agreed value written in the Commission Agreement prior to the Start of Work.

  3. Full payments, or alternatively, a 50% up-front fee must be paid after the approval of the Commission Draft.

  4. In the event that payment is made in installments (i.e. 50% up-front), ownership of the Commission will only pass from the Artist to the Client on receipt of payment in full. The Commission will not be sent to Client until the agreed payment amount has been received.

  5. Payment method is determined as written in the Commission Agreement prior to the Start of Work (i.e. bank account transfer, PayPal).

  6. The Artist will confirm payment once drafts have been seen and agreed upon by the Client; any further work on the Commission will be with-held until this agreement is made and payment received.

  7. Distribution of the Commission to NFT/blockchain and/or AI programs is expressly forbidden.

PoliciesCommission RightsExclusive Rights
- Copyright Ownership 
- IP Ownership  
- Upload 
- Personal Use 
- Resell  
- Copyright Ownership
- IP Ownership
- Upload
- Personal Use
- Resell